
Posts uit februari, 2022 tonen

Visual development of the Kinect v2 Sensor

In this article i will show my progression with the kinect V2 Sensor using Unity. I will include links of the resources i used! lets start with some early testing using the old kinect v1 sdk on the asset store: using the knowledge i had of the Kinect v1 i managed to translate the detection of the skeleton to the v2 but i realised that the structure was very much outdated. So i decided to look further on the internet for some better source material.    after a long search on the web i manged to find this project:  The code is in spanish but after a bit of google translate i managed to understand it. It uses the animation rigging and burst package in unity to achieve a relatively clean way of interacting with the skeleton of the kinect. Ninja demo: After playing with the software i decided to make interaction with objects possible with some simple box colliders. I also

Learning Hardware for sound and games!

  My first synthesizer design i made for If this than that (Hku) Currently working on: GuitarHero Drum kit Midi Hack They are basicly piezo sensors with a nice drumpad added to them. I want to design a sd card system that alows the arduino to play a given sample when a certain drumpad is hit. Eventualy i want to 3d print an enclosure and make a circuit using the atmega chip on the arduino Uno. but first i have to rewrite  Evan kale's code ( So that i can assign different channels for the drums. And lets be honest using 7 year old code is not optimal. More to come (Hopefully...)  Photos: